New Years Disk
Here you can get all of the New Years Disks, that have been made from the people of forums for our little ATARI.
Im Dezember 2006 kam mir die Idee im Forum von einen Aufruf zu starten. Es sollten bis zum 31.12. alle möglichen Sachen für den kleinen ATARI geschrieben werden und dann zu mir gemailt werden, damit ich dann pünktlich zum neuen Jahr eine Disk für unseren liebsten Rechner zusammenstellen und veröffentlichen konnte.
Ich war total überrascht, wie viele an der Idee gefallen hatten und mitmachten.
Mittlerweile sind aus der Idee schon 5 New Years Disks entstanden. Jedes Jahr gibt es tolle neue Sachen zu entdecken. Es macht immer wieder richtig viel Spaß diese Discs zu erstellen und die Reaktionen der Leute mitzuerleben.
PP´s (Juli 2011)

New Year's Disk 2025 ==================== Hello everyone! Here we go again :) Like I did in last year, I coded some "loader intros" for the multi-disks. The initial pics and the loading logo where created by Buddy on PC and I converted them to the A8. The songs of these loading intros are Buddy's work, too. You may recognize, that I'm a bit in DMD mode lately ;) Hope you enjoy the smaller matrix, I used this time :) Maybe, I'm done with this mode now, but no promise. Wish you all the best for 2025! ________________________________________________________________PPs_01.01.2025 NYD_2025_Disk1.atr (ED) ----------------------- 01 - New Year 2025 by DLI & Buddy 02 - Christmas Eye Candy by Ken Jennings 03 - DMD Jewlz by PPs & Buddy 04 - Chinese Dreams by eMKay 05 - New Year Pixels by F#READY 06 - New Year 2025 by Sikor 07 - Battle Toads by Miker 08 - Happy New Year Aage by Miker 09 - R-Type HPF StereoMix by Ivop - R-Type HPF Stereo Mix needs dual POKEY and a boot with OPTION key pressed don't know why, but even switching my "normal" short BASOFF and using the routine by JAC! now doesn't help here, but booting with OPTION is almost ever best solutions for every entry NYD_2025_Disk2_Jigsaw_Mania.atr (SD) ------------------------------------ Jigsaw Mania by Fandal, Ripek, Buddy & HCL - make sure to leave disk unprotected - or the atr writeable - as game saves on disk NYD_2025_Disk3.atr (ED) ----------------------- 01 - Pixelated Heaven by eMKay 02 - Confetti NY (128k) by Miker 03 - Blinkys Scary S.2004 by Miker 04 - Crystal Lake by Foster - Confetti New Year needs at least 128 kB to run - Blinky's Scary School Mix needs dual POKEY NYD_2025_Disk4.atr (QD) ----------------------- 01 - New Year Jump (320k) by Miker 02 - Para-Dex by Wrathchild - the atr is for direct use in XF 551 or other 'Quad Density' compatible disk drives New Year Jump: - needs at least 320 kB to run - file has a size of about 219 kB - alternatively use NYD_2025_New_Year_Jump_by_Miker.xex Para-Dex: - did not run with my 'loadtro', so I had to put it here, too - have a look into extra .nfo file for instructions and infos - NYD_2025_para_dex_by_Wrathchild.xex is included in NYD_2025_Disk5.atr (SD) ----------------------- 01 - Stars + New Year by Miker 02 - Hot 'n Sexy by Roger & PG NYD_2025_New_Year_Jump_by_Miker.xex ----------------------------------- - same entry as on Disk4 as single file - needs at least 320 kB to run NYD_2025_para_dex_by_Wrathchild.xex ----------------------------------- - same entry as on Disk4 as single file NYD_2025_para_dex_by_Wrathchild.nfo ----------------------------------- - instructions for Para-Dex

MyJewels' (NYD24 version) ------------------------- - game for all A8 with at least 48kB of RAM - NTSC, PAL, 60 Hz, 50Hz, single or dual POKEY friendly - code + gfx: PPs - intro and title songs converted 2 A8 by Buddy - expanded version of my 16kB game from sv23we - highscore save possible with DOS This "match 3" style game is not just a new version with some bugfixes of the MyJewels I presented at "Sillyventure 2023 winter edition", it's more a new game - so MyJewels' is maybe a MyJewels 2. All the things I added can't fit into the 16kB of RAM, so we need now 48 kB. Sorry to all who have unmodified ATARI 400 or ATARI 600 XL. So what is new? - better handling of matching jewels - full version of intro song and a new in game menu song - up to 12 different jewels - different game modes - highscore save on disk Buddy did great work converting the 2 songs I use in the intro screen and in the game menu. Thanks for your work! I am sure people recognize what they are. You can change game mode using the joystick (right - left). 4 different modes are available: - time hunt - MyJewels - MyJewels' - eliminate MyJewels mode is just the same as in the 16kB game, but has the corrected "match 3" detection and we have a new "hint mode" in all 4 game modes - if you can't find any match for about 10 seconds, a yellow sign shows a region where something is possible. You will always have just the 7 different jewels. MyJewels' mode is almost the same, but you will get more different jewels based on your points: 10000, 25000, 50000, 100000 and 250000 points each give you one more new jewel to erase from screen. I fear no one ever gets the 12th jewel :) "time hunt" mode adds in a race against the clock. Here you can choose between some different amount of time at start (move joystick down and then left or right to switch time). All the tiles from MyJewels' mode can appear at same points level. You can earn extra time, every time you eliminate more than 3 jewels at once. 4 in a row and 5 in a row of same jewel give another extra time - so use them to enhance your time up to a maximum of 999 seconds. You will loss 5 seconds if you switched wrong jewels - at border of game area you can press the stick to border side to save that, but all other jewels you have to switch and get the malus, when you marked one by pressing fire. "elininate" mode maybe is the most challenging one. You have to race against time '(fixed start of 90 seconds here) and will have to eliminate a special jewel as often as shown. Everytimne it will be one more needed to reach the goal. If you are fast enopugh to eliminate enough jewels of shown jewel, you gain 30 seconds of bonus time. The amount of jewels is fixed to 8 different ones and you can get time bonus / malus same as in "time hunt". The game should run from any "game dos", but if you want to be able to save your highscores on disk, the game should run from a real DOS (I tested on DOS 2.5 and uDOS). The original "SCORES" file should be copied on the same disk, too. Game is not able to create a new one - so remember this, when you copy the game to own disks. Ah, and don't try to manipulate the scores file. As many games are adapted to FujiNet "high score enabled" feature, maybe in some time, I will add this feature, too. But no promise! Hope you will have fun with this game I wrote from 15. Nov. 2023 till end of December 2023 - wow just a bit more than a month and not full time - crazy, someone should bite me - I must sleeping now ;) _______________________________________________________________PPs, 01.01.2024
New Year's Disc 2023 ==================== Another time we want to send New Year's cheers to all of you. Have fun with your ATARI and all the best for 2023! I think this time we have a more traditional NYD. Most things are just small projects created during "time between years", just to cheer all of us. No "ages of time in making" big intro, but imho a nice set of creatons. Thanks to all participants. You made a great job! Wish you all the best for 2023! ________________________________________________________________PPs_01.01.2023 NYD_2023_Disc1-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - run 23 by Buddy + PPs 02 - Archer by F#READY 03 - DJack by eMKay 04 - evergreen by superogue 05 - RIP Archer Maclean by snicklin 06 - New Year Calligraphy by miker 07 - Smus by TL_USSR covered by miker 08 - Pele (PAL) by PPs NYD_2023_Disc2-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - Bring It On by snicklin 02 - New Year Kid ( Sikor)by miker 03 - another unreal world by eMKay 04 - ninja by popmilo 05 - New Year Smiley by miker 06 - sin_waves by PPs Source file (MADS) of sin_waves 169 bytes intro is included in seperate zip file. NYD_2023_Disc3-crash_117_engl.atr --------------------------------- crash 117 by gringosoft/rockford English language version of the text adventure created for the tutorial in ABBUC magazines. NYD_2023_Disc4-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - New Year 3D heart (320k) by miker 02 - Pele (NTSC) by PPs 03 - 202_hdlines by PPs 04 - 202_lines by PPs 05 - 202_hdlines (x unrolled) by PPs 06 - 202_hdlines (highres) by PPs NYD_2023_Disc5-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - Smurfs Falaise by miker 02 - ATARI sweaters by PPs 03 - Space Invaders sweater(PAL)by PPs 04 - ATARI sweater 1 (PAL) by PPs Some infos about 202_lines intros --------------------------------- I wanted to test what is the difference in speed between the 256 colors mode and gfx9. All the 4 different intros are just using same "plasm" method as in 169 bytes sin_waves intro. Just add time to x, take sin of that and then add y to get the color of that location, where x range is from left to right and y range from top to bottom. At start the plasm is calculated just for 2 lines in height and running up. Next picture is shown, when calculation is ready. As you can see it can be really fast, if y is not that high, esp. when showing just gfx9. Switching to 256 colors, by alternating gfx11 and gfx9 in DLI, stops just something like a "motion on the screen". It produces nice colors, but 202 lines are just too many to calculate to produce more than one picture per frame, where gfx9 screen may have about 3 pics per frame at same lines count. Main reason of speed dropping is just the DLI needed, to get the 256 colors mode. We have so many times to wait, till next mode switch, that there is not much room to calculate the plasm. Full screen (256 colors) hd plasma in motion seems to be impossible. 202_hdlines: was first try of this and even reducing screen width does not work for 256 colors mode in motion. It producecs 64x202 pixels screen. 202_lines: uses half of the resolution in x, so I left it in 40 bytes mode. 40x202 pixels are not far better, but a bit (32 bytes width: the same) 202_hdlines (x unrolled): same resolution as 202hdlines, but x-loops are unrolled. This shows, that at least here unrolling does not matter. Just file size explodes a lot. y-loops unrolling would take a 8 kB file with no noticeable speed incrementation and unrolling x and y takes out the limits of the A8 (4kB*8kB=32kB^2=32000kB=32MB). 202_hdlines (highres): Just as it can be done. No speed anymore, but here you have best chances of all to catch a view of the relativity of time ;)
New Year's Disc 2022 ==================== Another year, and another bugs :( This is corrected version with removed typos in info, 128k version of mikers animation 2 on disc 3 and corrected 80s demo - had terrible issues on single pokey machines in 2nd part, sorry. PPs, 06.01.2022_________________________________________original text follows Hello folks. Cool to see you again ;) Hope you got well into 2022 and will now have some fun with our creations. Find below my little introducion some word by the authors. I hope the new year will bring many joy to us all. Wish you all the best! PPs This year's lineup: NYD_2022_Disc1-multidisc ------------------------ 01-80s(v06.01.022) by Buddy+PPs 02-Happy 2022 by F#READY 03-lightpaint 1 by Buddy 04-snowtree by Philsan 05-XMas 2021 by PPs 06-Circle torus by Sikor 07-I love you AtariAge by snicklin 08-BAAF by emkay 09-bigfire (222b) by PPs 10-16bars (502b) by PPs ---------------------------- ED 128kB===101/1040 sec free NYD_2022_Disc2-Pokedex_Wrathchild_Atarimax ------------------------------------------ Poke'dex by Wrathchild ---------------------------- ED 128kB===291/1040 sec free Create your own cart with this flash disc for AtariMaxFlash 1MB carts. ---------------------------------------------- Poke'dex by Wrathchild Use this directly in emulator or with SIDE, AVG or The!Cart and similar. NYD_2022_Disc3-multidisc ------------------------ 01-DMsongs by PPs 02-2022 animation 2(128k) by miker 03-bigfire+sound (237b) by PPs 04-16bars (537b) by PPs 05-16bars (510b)+ by PPs ---------------------------- ED 128kB===075/1040 sec free NYD_2022_Disc4-multidisc ------------------------ 01-2022 animation (320k) by miker 02-runout by emkay ---------------------------- DD 180kB===051/0720 sec free NYD_2022_Disc5-multidisc ------------------------ 01-lightpaint 2 by Buddy 02-run for gold by emkay 03-Brisbane New Year by snicklin ---------------------------- ED 180kB===642/1040 sec free ------------------ MADS sources of my 16bar 512 bytes shrinks. ------------------- MADS sources of my bigfire 256 bytes shrinks. ----------- Many of my created graph2font pictures I used for my productions. NYD 2022_______________________stay ATARI!_________________________01.01.2022 ***************************************************************************** For full info read the included NYD2022.nfo with any text viewer.
NYD 2021 ================================================================================ Welcome to the next issue of NYD. We all want to wish you all the best for 2021. Hope you have some time for the show ;) Content of the discs: NYD2021_Disc1-multidisc.atr --------------------------- 20202021 by F#ready Galactic greetings (PAL) by Yellow-man neon 2021 by miker no human by emkay Nobodys Friend by snicklin timerun by PPs Vic Zombies (BAS) by Philsan ---------------------------- ED 128kB===089/1040 sec free NYD2021_Disc2-multidisc.atr --------------------------- 16 bars by PPs Australian Bushfires by snicklin happy 2021 by Desire Harry and Rachel by snicklin Mein Schatz by Mario130XE mono 2021 by miker noistro by emkay ---------------------------- ED 128kB===019/1040 sec free NYD2021_Disc3-quadrixx.atr -------------------------- quadrixx by gringosoft ---------------------------- SD 090kB===343/0720 sec free NYD2021_Disc4-multidisc.atr --------------------------- Galactic greetings(NTSC) by Yellow-man Hybris Level NYD2021 ed. by emkay sandy by emkay thumb 2021 by miker ---------------------------- ED 128kB===372/1040 sec free NYD2021_Disc5-aae.atr --------------------- ATASCII art editor by sikor ---------------------------- SD 090kB===501/0720 sec free total count: ------------------------------- 5 discs======1324/4560 sec free ----100% fun for your ATARI---- ----------------------------- go lucky v1.1 by PPs ------------------------------------------------------------------2021-01-01 PPs Some infos by the authors: F#READY - 20202021 ****************** 20202021, 256 Bytes intro For the New Years Disk 2021 F#READY, 2020-12-31 Thanks to IvoP for sound and some optimisations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philsan - Vic Zombies ********************* Recently I found Zombies, a type-in game I played at the time on my VIC20 (my first computer), programmed by Mike O' Neill and published on Games for your VIC20, Virgin Books, 1983. I decided to port it to Atari (my second computer). To port a game you should know both machines well. That's not my case but I made it nevertheless ah ah. BASIC code is almost the same but zombies placement algorithm was too slow. Therefore I decided to replace the original with a better one made by DMSC. Besides original version, with VIC20 character set, I added a version slightly faster and with new graphics made by TIX. The program detects PAL/NTSC and adjusts palette. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sikor - ATASCII art editor ************************** Late, but always... Use with DOS, known bugs: character in right lower corner must be place at end. Use with control and cursor key. Sorry, that this time is so small thing... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PPs - 16 bars ************* Just some words about this little one. First version of this thing counted for exact 900 bytes. After some optimization I crunched it down to 816 Bytes. Then I added the extra colors so in th eend we have now 894 bytes in total. Hope you like my first 1024 ByteTro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PPs - go lucky v1.1 ******************* Full game in latest version plus manuals. If you have some ideas, what could be made better or added (only a few bytes are left free), please contact me.
New Year's Disc 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone! Welcome to this years edition of NYD! It was a hard year for me in 2019 - a big not expected thing happend to me. So it was not so easy to create something for the A8. But I didn't want to stop this tradition and even if I had no clue, what to code myselves I started the call for entries at November 8th 2019. Gunstar and eMKay where about the first who had contacted me and eMKay just had a nice tune ready, so I had an idea, what I could try to code and asked both to help. But due to some more problems here, time ran out to do a nice production. At the end I had to cancel this project, to have at least one thing ready for NYD 2020. Again: Sorry Gunstar and eMKay that I did not complete the thing and your work is not presented as we had planned. I really hope to come back to this project and make it to a presentable and nice thing. Ok, now back to this NYD... My little intro should run on NTSC or PAL, but should be watched in PAL, as the colours are not set for NTSC - sound runs well even at 60 Hz PAL machines this time. Tools used to do this are: Rasterconverter, mads, graph2font, ATARI Font Maker, Raster Music Tracker, WUDSN - Thanks to the authors of these tools. The music was ripped from a modfile ebbhead made in 1992. Other words from the people who had made the projects are added below the lineup. We hope you all got well into 2020 and will have fun watching, listening and yes, PLAYING!!! There is imho a very well done game there this time :) At least my daughter had some minutes of fun playing the ATARI, yet. This NYD's lineup: NYD2020 Disc 01 - multidisc.atr ------------------------------- 2020 (intro) by PPs Happy 2020 (256 Byte) by F#READY Happy New Year (animation) by miker SEGA Rocky (PAL picture) by Gunstar Runner Bear by playsoft & friends Ei aus der Taiga (intro) by eMKay ------------------------------- ED 128kB======008/1040 sec free NYD2020 Disc 02 - NewTek demo (Filippo Santellocco)(pal).atr ------------------------------- NewTek Demo (PAL slideshow) by Philsan ------------------------------- ED 128kB======007/1040 sec free NYD2020 Disc 03 - multidisc.atr ------------------------------- Mines (BASIC 10 liner) by Fabrizio Caruso Ei aus der Taiga 2 (intro) by eMKay Air fist Rocky (PAL picture) by Gunstar Snowfall (intro) by Philsan Boris & Farage (picture) by snicklin 2020 (intro) by TiRED Doomfire (intro) by Wrathchild 2020 (NTSC picture) by Philsan ------------------------------- ED 128kB======057/1040 sec free NYD2020 Disc 04 - cartoon slideshow (Sikor).atr ------------------------------- classic cartoons slideshow by Sikor ------------------------------- ED 128kB======274/1040 sec free NYD2020 Disc 05 - multidisc.atr ------------------------------- Ei aus der Taiga 3 (intro) by eMKay 2020 (PAL picture) by Philsan Champ Rocky (PAL pictrue) by Gunstar ------------------------------- ED 128kB======342/1040 sec free NYD2020 Disc 06 - multidisc.atr ------------------------------- Neon (320 kB animation) by miker ------------------------------- DD 180kB======063/0720 sec free total count: ------------------------------- 6 discs======0751/5920 sec free ----100% fun for your ATARI---- ------------------------------------------------------------------2020-01-01 PPs authors words: F#READY - Happy 2020 ******************** Happy 2020 Atari Invasion 256 bytes thingy for New Years Disk F#READY, December 2019 Snow routine ripped/optimised Credits: Claus Buchholz 1981, Xmas Tree Demo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fabrizio Caruso - Mines *********************** - Atari Basic 10-liner strategy game - game available for many platforms ( Instructions: You are in a minefield where mines appear both - under your feet once you move and - around you (more if you do not move) You can clear the area around you with anti-mine charges but you can only carry a maximum of 9. If you reach a "$" item you get an extra anti-mine charge. The field has upper and lower borders that kill you if reached. Left and right borders wrap around. The rate of mines appearing around you increases continuously. Goals: - reach the highest score possible by walking on empty positions or collecting charges "$" - avoid stepping on mines or the upper and lower borders - reach the next 100 points to get a full recharge of your anti-mine charges Score: - walk into an empty position: 1 point - walk into an anti-mine charge "$": 5 points Controls: - use I J K L keys to move - use SPACE bar to clear nearby area (if you have enough charges) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philsan - NewTek demo ********************* - inspired by Amiga NewTek Demo Reel #1 (1987) - images ripped from Amiga, edited and converted with RastaConverter program by Ilmenit - slideshow code by PPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philsan - Snowfall Atari ************************ - compiled Turbo-Basic XL - graphics 7 image edited and converted with Atari Graphics Studio program by Tebe - RMT player by Raster, adapted for TBXL by Marok - original Atari Basic snowfall code by Fred Key (1986) - Depeche Mode Little 15 tune by JaKub Husak (2010) - packed by Homesoft -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- milpool/TiRED - 2020 ******************** _____ _________/_ /-----.______ -------. _( /__/ ) ___)_____ )_____._ \___ ____/ _/ _- /__ _/ |/ \ _// : \_/ \___\ __\_____/_____:_______/mpl : : : : TiRED - 2020 - Atari 8Bit intro : :_ . .// TiRED sends a happy new year to : : the atari scene with this little . : intro. GFX/Music/Code by milpool! . : Requires 64kb. . . : . _[ trd2020.xex ]________________________: \_______________________________________/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrathchild - Doomfire ********************* This demo I initially worked on in April 2019 after converting the original Javascript into a C and Allegro prototype on Windows. The aim was to then port take that code onto the UNO Cart’s ARM processor to see it running on the A8 but that hasn’t been done yet. There were two flavours, a 2x2 pixel mode for 2 rows of Graphics 10 per square at 80 pixels wide or 4x4 pixels for 4 rows at 40 pixels wide. For the NYD 2020, I have converted the C into 6502 assembler and first tried to see if the 2x2 version would run ok on a stock machine. It was almost acceptable but I chose to move to the 4x4 mode instead and this works fine. Coding was done across 3 days from 29th-31st Dec but has taken about a day overall. NTSC/PAL is detected at startup and colors/colours are adjusted accordingly however the music will run a little faster on NTSC. Having listened through the Winter Olympiad 88 songs, initially I was thinking to use the Biathlon tune but preferred the Downhill one in the end.
New Year's Disc 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------bonus disc A little late for releasing it right at NYD2019 I received a nice intro by Mad Team at the evening of 01.01.2019. It would have been a pity, if it would not get into the light it was designed for, so I asked if it is ok to release on a bonus disc... So here we go! Have fun and enjoy this well done intro! NYD2019 Disc 06 - bonus disc.atr -------------------------------- intro by Mad Team -------------------------------- ED 128kB=======762/1040 sec free ------------------------------------------------------------------07.01.2019 PPs
New Year's Disc 2019 -----------------------------------------------------------3rd corrected edition Welcome to another edition of the NYD! After last years immense count of 10 discs, we are back at "normal" count and finally after a "Super Packer session" we have 5 discs with 26 gems for you. This time we have a very special guest at the NYD who don't wants to be named. Thanks for sharing your work with us. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019! The lineup: NYD2019 Disc 01 - multidisc.atr ------------------------------- Hello 2019 (intro) by PPs + miker Impresstro (intro) by emkay Happy 2019 (256 Bytetro -> in fact 245) by F#READY, Atari Invasion Picture 01 (winter time) (picture) by Mario130XE Picture 02 (steam train) (picture) by Mario130XE Picture 03 (winter town) (picture) by Mario130XE Picture 04 (2 bunnies) (picture) by Mario130XE ATARI 800 - 40 years (NTSC version) (picture) by Philsan Bean And Gone (picture) by snicklin Limbo Is Over (picture) by snicklin ------------------------------- ED 128kB=======39/1040 sec free NYD2019 Disc 02 - Nailrace Pak.atr ------------------------------- A nice pak with some different versions of Basic10Liners Nailrace coded by Rockford. Don't touch too many nails, now even a 2 players race is possible. ------------------------------- ED 128kB======707/1040 sec free NYD2019 Disc 03 - multidisc.atr ------------------------------- James Pond Intro (intro) by emkay ATARI Invasion Invitation (intro) by ivop Xmas 2018 (intro) by PPs + emkay ATARI 800 - 40 years (PAL version) (picture) by Philsan New Year Pig (animation) by miker Happy New Year (picture) by "John Doe" 2019 (PAL version) (picture) by Philsan 2019 (NTSC version) (picture) by Philsan ------------------------------- ED 128kB=======70/1040 sec free NYD2019 Disc 04 - multidisc.atr ------------------------------- noiz15kHz (intro) by emkay mode11 revised (intro) by PPs Happy New Year (128 kB animation) by miker DSR_NYD19 (intro) by Desire WinTin (intro) by skr Gojira retired (picture) by Sikor ------------------------------- ED 128kB=======20/1040 sec free NYD2019 Disc 05 - New Year Girls (adult).atr ------------------------------- game for adult people with two different playsets (and more if demanded) by Sikor + miker Sikor says: ******************************************************************************** NEW YEAR GIRLS Sikor entry for NYD 2019 with a old music made by Miker (with his permission). ====================================================== Game is another clone of JAN-KEN-PON (scissor-paper-stone) game with ADULT CONTENT. So, rules are simple: - scissor beat paper - paper beat stone - stone beat scissor Use joystick and enjoy it. If you load NYG.XEX (man file) from DOS (tested with myDOS) - you can load other sets of opponents (always two). I add two set for this file now: - BASIC.NYG - it is standard set, putted into main file - SET1.NYG - other two girls and other music If someone asks for - I'll do a simple tool to make other sets. Sets must have .NYG extension with property format. After load of new opponents - colors on title are set as in first picture in file. O.K. How to play: - to start use joystick left or right and hit fire - to load new opponents - put joystick down and hit fire, if there are opponent sets on disk - you can choose one with joystick - when you play - use joystick left/neutral/right to choose your object - you have limited time, but - if you know, what you can choose - simple hit fire - opponent now draws the item - if you win - 1/9 part of picture will be uncovered - you have 5 tries - after play simply hit fire HAPPY NEW YEAR and enjoy it! ------------------------------------------------------ Credits: - idea, code, additional gfx, font, tests: Sikor - music, graphics choose, graphics convert, moral support: Miker ---------------------------------------------------- Greetings to all atarians! Happy New Year! ******************************************************************************** ------------------------------- ED 128kB======374/1040 sec free total count: ------------------------------- 5 discs======1210/5200 sec free ----100% fun for your ATARI---- ------------------------------------------------------------------2019-01-01 PPs
NEW YEARS DISC 2018 =================== Hello to everyone who is reading here. The new year arrived, so it's time for the next NYD. When I first called for entries for a new years disc at Christmas eve back in 2006, I wanted to inspire the ATARI scene to sit down and do something with the ATARI 'inbetween the years', to have fun for their own when creating and for all of us, when watching the release. I had so much fun, that my 'cry for something' was heared and the NYD was born. Since then we've seen 11 NYD and this is the 12th edition. Some times it happened that the crowd asked, if theere will be another nyd, before I opened another 'calling thread'. For me this is absolute fantastic, as this is what I intended to reach - people love to end the old year creating something and even love tho see what's beeing created. You all - 'creators' and 'watchers' - have fun with the ATARI - my mission is completed :) NO PANIC! I'm not done with it... Just want to say THANKS to you all! Now we'd better come to the discs content... NYD2018 Disc 01 - multidisc --------------------------- NYD 2018 Info by PPs - some texts by the authors of all the projects - plus a picture quickly created using graph2font - you can scroll with joystick or SELECT and OPTION - quickly created to have some infos native on ATARI - source will come later Amitari by mk - one screener NYD 2018 by Mario130XE - picture The magnify demo by Senor Rossie - 'demo took me only 23 years to finish...' Kendallsoft Kaverns by therealbountybob - new levels for Boulderdash - "Kendallsoft Kaverns" - It goes with the Pro© magazine article: "Boulderdash - Turn your screens into a game" . They are probably fairly challenging levels! 2018 by PPs - one screener - created using graph2font, mads, Superpacker, RMT, ATARI Fontmaker and some Win tools - music by mk ----------------------------------------------------------1038/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 02 - multidisc --------------------------- Ring the Bells by CharlieChaplin - animation (128k) 2018 fireworx by miker - animation (128k) ----------------------------------------------------------0989/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 03 - HDM2 ---------------------- >>> His Dark Majesty: Quest II by therealbountybob Twas thought His Dark Majesty was finally defeated in the Castle of Awe but it seems there was some deception, perhaps some mystical force was at work, for he has once again started to conquer lands and wreak havoc upon men. Rumour has it his subjects have built a new stronghold somewhere in the high cliffs. Hearing this, the King has began to get word out and amass an army of strongmen from the local towns - he set off some weeks ago but there has been no word. You, his loyal subject answer the call and with a hunting party from your village set off to join him... > Shamus+ - New Mazes for Shamus V 1.0 slx, 2017 Shamus+ is a patch of Shamus allowing to play the extra mazes from the C64 version. It includes a "Tournament" mode playing all mazes in succession and a pause function. A rare bug affecting advanced players only is rectified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: Use [OPTION] to select the starting Maze. "Tournament" will play through all mazes in sequence (except the "Original C64" which is almost identical to the original Atari maze). When you die in tournament mode the next game will start at the beginning of the maze you died in. The maze selection will still read "Tournament". In order to start a tournament from scratch, use [OPTION] to rotate through all the mazes until you are in "Tournament" again. Use [SPACE] to pause and the fire button to end the pause. A documentation about the genesis of this patch is available at -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shamus was originally written by William Mataga and published by Synapse Software in 1982. Copyright is assumed to be with Cathryn Mataga at the time of this patch. The C64 levels are believed to have been developed by Jack L. Thornton who is named on the C64 version title page. I have been unable to contact either of them and hope that they approve of this patch. Copyright of the patch and conversion software is with the author Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. Should any of this interfere with any copyright of the original author(s), their copyright shall have precedence. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Happy New Year 2018 by Wrathchild - Programming & Graphics : Wrathchild - Additional Graphics : PseudoGrafx - Music : "Snow Blind" - Miker (based on original mod by Dr. Awesome) - Inspired by : SSX3 loading screen (with a nod to the Coolboarders 3 intro) Freestyle by mk - one screener ----------------------------------------------------------1031/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 08 - Tornado Pinball --------------------------------- Tornado Pinball by Rockford - created with Pinball Construction Set - when booted to DOS type 'L' for load and enter 'TORNADO' as filename ----------------------------------------------------------0616/0720 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 09 - multidisc --------------------------- Happy New Year Girl by Animkomials - animation (320k) DYCP 2018 by Cosine - DYCP 2018 is a small demo with a couple of DYCPs to show off a triple speed cover of the Uridium 2 loading music. - code by T.M.R/Cosine - music by aNdy/Cosine ----------------------------------------------------------0967/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 10 - multidisc --------------------------- Animated XMAS card by CharlieChaplin - animation (128k) Historic Trucks by PPs - picture show - pictures taken at IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 2014 by me and rendered to the A8 using rastaconverter - other ATARI related tools used: WUDSN, Superpacker, MADS - music by mk ----------------------------------------------------------1023/1040 sectors used As you can see, there's a lot to discover for us this year. I'm sure you'll love some of the things. Thanks again to all the people who made NYD a success! NYD 2018 total count-------------------------------------7236/8000 sectores used --------------------------------90.45% used disc space-------------------------- ----10 discs-----26 entries---------------------------------endless fun creating --------------------------unknown amount bugs to find and keep------------------ Happy New Year 2018! ... and STAY ATARI! ... -----------------------------------------------------------------01.01.2018 PPs PS: I really hope that I didn't forget something.
New Years Disc 2017 - bonus disc ================================ Just after the release of the NYD I received another entry. So here it is: NYD2017 - bonus disc (Enhanced/Medium Density) ---------------------------------------------- Snowplow NYD 2017 (game) by therealbountybob Notes from him: - - - - - - - - Here is SnowPlow a game from Analog Magazine Issue 64 (Editor was in Issue 65). Full Info on the game here We're playing the game in the HSC, released copies only had 1 level which was a bit disappointing, so I have created a 2nd level and added one that came with the editor as the third level, plus I've done a mini 4th level which I have not tested. The game is simple but fun - you can PLOW the cars to rescue them for more points!! You can make 1 jump using the fire button. The storms come on more frequently as time goes by. Probably a good one for children too. The game returns to the title screen after doing each level - press Start and the next level is loaded so leave the disk in/attached. DOS Disk with renamed to autorun.sys level files SMAP/01/02/03 are loaded in file order not name order. Best Wishes for 2017 therealbountybob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Happy New Year 2017! PPs