NYD 2022

NYD 2022
NYD 2022
650.84 kB
01. Januar 2022
51 x

New Year's Disc 2022 ==================== Another year, and another bugs :( This is corrected version with removed typos in info, 128k version of mikers animation 2 on disc 3 and corrected 80s demo - had terrible issues on single pokey machines in 2nd part, sorry. PPs, 06.01.2022_________________________________________original text follows Hello folks. Cool to see you again ;) Hope you got well into 2022 and will now have some fun with our creations. Find below my little introducion some word by the authors. I hope the new year will bring many joy to us all. Wish you all the best! PPs This year's lineup: NYD_2022_Disc1-multidisc ------------------------ 01-80s(v06.01.022) by Buddy+PPs 02-Happy 2022 by F#READY 03-lightpaint 1 by Buddy 04-snowtree by Philsan 05-XMas 2021 by PPs 06-Circle torus by Sikor 07-I love you AtariAge by snicklin 08-BAAF by emkay 09-bigfire (222b) by PPs 10-16bars (502b) by PPs ---------------------------- ED 128kB===101/1040 sec free NYD_2022_Disc2-Pokedex_Wrathchild_Atarimax ------------------------------------------ Poke'dex by Wrathchild ---------------------------- ED 128kB===291/1040 sec free Create your own cart with this flash disc for AtariMaxFlash 1MB carts. NYD_2022_Cart1-Pokedex_Wrathchild_Atarimax.car ---------------------------------------------- Poke'dex by Wrathchild Use this directly in emulator or with SIDE, AVG or The!Cart and similar. NYD_2022_Disc3-multidisc ------------------------ 01-DMsongs by PPs 02-2022 animation 2(128k) by miker 03-bigfire+sound (237b) by PPs 04-16bars (537b) by PPs 05-16bars (510b)+ by PPs ---------------------------- ED 128kB===075/1040 sec free NYD_2022_Disc4-multidisc ------------------------ 01-2022 animation (320k) by miker 02-runout by emkay ---------------------------- DD 180kB===051/0720 sec free NYD_2022_Disc5-multidisc ------------------------ 01-lightpaint 2 by Buddy 02-run for gold by emkay 03-Brisbane New Year by snicklin ---------------------------- ED 180kB===642/1040 sec free 16bars_sources.zip ------------------ MADS sources of my 16bar 512 bytes shrinks. bigfire_sources.zip ------------------- MADS sources of my bigfire 256 bytes shrinks. PPs_g2f.zip ----------- Many of my created graph2font pictures I used for my productions. NYD 2022_______________________stay ATARI!_________________________01.01.2022 ***************************************************************************** For full info read the included NYD2022.nfo with any text viewer.


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