NYD 2019

NYD 2019
NYD 2019
442.93 kB
01. Januar 2019
319 x

New Year's Disc 2019
-----------------------------------------------------------3rd corrected edition
Welcome to another edition of the NYD!

After last years immense count of 10 discs, we are back at "normal" count and
finally after a "Super Packer session" we have 5 discs with 26 gems for you.

This time we have a very special guest at the NYD who don't wants to be named.
Thanks for sharing your work with us.


The lineup:

NYD2019 Disc 01 - multidisc.atr
Hello 2019 (intro)                            by PPs + miker
Impresstro (intro)                            by emkay
Happy 2019 (256 Bytetro -> in fact 245)       by F#READY, Atari Invasion
Picture 01 (winter time) (picture)            by Mario130XE
Picture 02 (steam train) (picture)            by Mario130XE
Picture 03 (winter town) (picture)            by Mario130XE
Picture 04 (2 bunnies) (picture)              by Mario130XE
ATARI 800 - 40 years (NTSC version) (picture) by Philsan
Bean And Gone (picture)                       by snicklin
Limbo Is Over (picture)                       by snicklin
ED 128kB=======39/1040 sec free

NYD2019 Disc 02 - Nailrace Pak.atr
A nice pak with some different versions of Basic10Liners Nailrace coded by
Rockford. Don't touch too many nails, now even a 2 players race is possible.
ED 128kB======707/1040 sec free

NYD2019 Disc 03 - multidisc.atr
James Pond Intro (intro)                      by emkay
ATARI Invasion Invitation (intro)             by ivop
Xmas 2018 (intro)                             by PPs + emkay
ATARI 800 - 40 years (PAL version) (picture)  by Philsan
New Year Pig (animation)                      by miker
Happy New Year (picture)                      by "John Doe"
2019 (PAL version) (picture)                  by Philsan
2019 (NTSC version) (picture)                 by Philsan
ED 128kB=======70/1040 sec free

NYD2019 Disc 04 - multidisc.atr
noiz15kHz (intro)                             by emkay
mode11 revised (intro)                        by PPs
Happy New Year (128 kB animation)             by miker
DSR_NYD19 (intro)                             by Desire
WinTin (intro)                                by skr
Gojira retired (picture)                      by Sikor
ED 128kB=======20/1040 sec free

NYD2019 Disc 05 - New Year Girls (adult).atr
game for adult people with two different playsets (and more if demanded)
by Sikor + miker

Sikor says:
Sikor entry for NYD 2019 with a old music made by Miker (with his permission).
Game is another clone of JAN-KEN-PON (scissor-paper-stone) game with ADULT 
CONTENT. So, rules are simple:
- scissor beat paper
- paper beat stone
- stone beat scissor
Use joystick and enjoy it. If you load NYG.XEX (man file) from DOS (tested with
myDOS) - you can load other sets of opponents (always two). I add two set for
this file now:
- BASIC.NYG - it is standard set, putted into main file
- SET1.NYG - other two girls and other music
If someone asks for - I'll do a simple tool to make other sets. Sets must
have .NYG extension with property format. After load of new opponents - colors
on title are set as in first picture in file.
O.K. How to play:
- to start use joystick left or right and hit fire
- to load new opponents - put joystick down and hit fire, if there are opponent
  sets on disk - you can choose one with joystick
- when you play - use joystick left/neutral/right to choose your object
- you have limited time, but - if you know, what you can choose - simple hit
- opponent now draws the item
- if you win - 1/9 part of picture will be uncovered
- you have 5 tries
- after play simply hit fire
HAPPY NEW YEAR and enjoy it!
- idea, code, additional gfx, font, tests: Sikor
- music, graphics choose, graphics convert, moral support: Miker
Greetings to all atarians! Happy New Year!
ED 128kB======374/1040 sec free

total count:
5 discs======1210/5200 sec free
----100% fun for your ATARI----

------------------------------------------------------------------2019-01-01 PPs

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