NYD 2023
NYD 2023
NYD 2023
375.70 kB
01. Januar 2023
53 x
New Year's Disc 2023 ==================== Another time we want to send New Year's cheers to all of you. Have fun with your ATARI and all the best for 2023! I think this time we have a more traditional NYD. Most things are just small projects created during "time between years", just to cheer all of us. No "ages of time in making" big intro, but imho a nice set of creatons. Thanks to all participants. You made a great job! Wish you all the best for 2023! ________________________________________________________________PPs_01.01.2023 NYD_2023_Disc1-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - run 23 by Buddy + PPs 02 - Archer by F#READY 03 - DJack by eMKay 04 - evergreen by superogue 05 - RIP Archer Maclean by snicklin 06 - New Year Calligraphy by miker 07 - Smus by TL_USSR covered by miker 08 - Pele (PAL) by PPs NYD_2023_Disc2-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - Bring It On by snicklin 02 - New Year Kid (f.by Sikor)by miker 03 - another unreal world by eMKay 04 - ninja by popmilo 05 - New Year Smiley by miker 06 - sin_waves by PPs Source file (MADS) of sin_waves 169 bytes intro is included in seperate zip file. NYD_2023_Disc3-crash_117_engl.atr --------------------------------- crash 117 by gringosoft/rockford English language version of the text adventure created for the tutorial in ABBUC magazines. NYD_2023_Disc4-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - New Year 3D heart (320k) by miker 02 - Pele (NTSC) by PPs 03 - 202_hdlines by PPs 04 - 202_lines by PPs 05 - 202_hdlines (x unrolled) by PPs 06 - 202_hdlines (highres) by PPs NYD_2023_Disc5-multidisc.atr ---------------------------- 01 - Smurfs Falaise by miker 02 - ATARI sweaters by PPs 03 - Space Invaders sweater(PAL)by PPs 04 - ATARI sweater 1 (PAL) by PPs Some infos about 202_lines intros --------------------------------- I wanted to test what is the difference in speed between the 256 colors mode and gfx9. All the 4 different intros are just using same "plasm" method as in 169 bytes sin_waves intro. Just add time to x, take sin of that and then add y to get the color of that location, where x range is from left to right and y range from top to bottom. At start the plasm is calculated just for 2 lines in height and running up. Next picture is shown, when calculation is ready. As you can see it can be really fast, if y is not that high, esp. when showing just gfx9. Switching to 256 colors, by alternating gfx11 and gfx9 in DLI, stops just something like a "motion on the screen". It produces nice colors, but 202 lines are just too many to calculate to produce more than one picture per frame, where gfx9 screen may have about 3 pics per frame at same lines count. Main reason of speed dropping is just the DLI needed, to get the 256 colors mode. We have so many times to wait, till next mode switch, that there is not much room to calculate the plasm. Full screen (256 colors) hd plasma in motion seems to be impossible. 202_hdlines: was first try of this and even reducing screen width does not work for 256 colors mode in motion. It producecs 64x202 pixels screen. 202_lines: uses half of the resolution in x, so I left it in 40 bytes mode. 40x202 pixels are not far better, but a bit (32 bytes width: the same) 202_hdlines (x unrolled): same resolution as 202hdlines, but x-loops are unrolled. This shows, that at least here unrolling does not matter. Just file size explodes a lot. y-loops unrolling would take a 8 kB file with no noticeable speed incrementation and unrolling x and y takes out the limits of the A8 (4kB*8kB=32kB^2=32000kB=32MB). 202_hdlines (highres): Just as it can be done. No speed anymore, but here you have best chances of all to catch a view of the relativity of time ;)
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