New Years Disk
Here you can get all of the New Years Disks, that have been made from the people of forums for our little ATARI.
Im Dezember 2006 kam mir die Idee im Forum von einen Aufruf zu starten. Es sollten bis zum 31.12. alle möglichen Sachen für den kleinen ATARI geschrieben werden und dann zu mir gemailt werden, damit ich dann pünktlich zum neuen Jahr eine Disk für unseren liebsten Rechner zusammenstellen und veröffentlichen konnte.
Ich war total überrascht, wie viele an der Idee gefallen hatten und mitmachten.
Mittlerweile sind aus der Idee schon 5 New Years Disks entstanden. Jedes Jahr gibt es tolle neue Sachen zu entdecken. Es macht immer wieder richtig viel Spaß diese Discs zu erstellen und die Reaktionen der Leute mitzuerleben.
PP´s (Juli 2011)
New Years Disc 2017 =================== Happy New Year!!! We (full crowd is listed below) are proud to present you some stuff to enjoy watching, listening and playing just when the new year is new born. Disc 1 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- NYD 2017 (intro) by PPs Prosit 2017 (picture) by Mario130XE Neon 2017 (animation) by Miker Goodbye 2016 (picture) by Snicklin Carrie Fisher (NTSC & PAL) (intro) by Philsan & Jimpack Snowman SID (music) by Wrathchild Happy New Year 2017 (intro) by Tigerduck 10 Liner Invitation (invitro) by Sascha Kriegel Note: NYD 2017 has no NTSC testing, so sound runs to fast and colors are not set correct. Small Effect doesn't care about NTSC too. So both of my new years gifts better run on PAL. Hope to release them later with NTSC support. Disc 2 - multidisc (Single Density) ----------------------------------- ATARISID 6 (sounddisc) by Ivo van Poorten A disc full of SID sounds. Disc 3 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- MD201701 (intro) by Cosine CX2626 Miniatur Golf (game) by Playsoft Camelight 2017 (intro) by Desire Happy 2017 (intro) by Miker & friends Disco Zax (music) by Miker & XXL Small Effect (1 screener) by PPs Get Lucky (intro) by Playsoft Hotpunk (picture) by Mario130XE Happy New Year! (intro) by PopMilo Multi Twisters (intro) by TeBe & Rocky Notes for CX2626 from Playsoft: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Instructions for the original VCS version can be found here: The VCS controls are mapped to the following A8 keys: start = game reset switch (begin game) select = game select switch (select one or two player game) option = tv type switch (colour or black and white) 1 = left difficulty switch 2 = right difficulty switch Additionally the + and - keys can be used to adjust the vertical display position. Disc 4 - Dozerattack (Enhanced/Medium Density) ---------------------------------------------- Dozer (game) by Rockford Dozer is a game written in TurboBasic from some old sources. Have fun shooting the enemies. Disc 5 - Blowjobb part (Double Density) --------------------------------------- NYD2K17 (intro) by Blowjobb Note: Disc boots into DOS. Type N*.* and hit Shift-Return to run the intro. Disc 6 - Soco Maniac (Ehanced/Medium Density) --------------------------------------------- Soco Maniac (1996) (game) by Matosimi Note: Matosimi started this game when he was 12 and finally released it to the public with this NYD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Happy New Year 2017! PPs
New Years Disc 2016 =================== Hello 2016! Hope you all got well into the new year and now are prepared for our little greetings: Disc 1 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- Getting into 2016 (3 screener) by miker & PPs Chi Bao (sound) by emkay Happy New Year (picture) by Mario130XE Fireworks 2016 (animation) by miker Blowsub (game) by Playsoft Note: Getting into 2015 contains a TIP, that is not displayed 100% correct in the demo. You'll find the original Y2016.TIP file on disc 5 for full pleasure. The music should play correct on both PAL/NTSC - the color palletes are PAL optimised. Disc 2 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) ----------------------------------- The Gift (soundmenu) by Agenda, MEC, Lamers & 505 Made with ATARI 800 (PAL) (intro) by philsan Bam 2016 (intro) by Creature XL Filtermod (sound) by emkay Rocky Horror Show (PAL) (intro) by philsan NYD 2016 Nessie (game) by Sikor Note: philsan has rendered both pictures with PAL palette (on this disc) and with NTSC palette (on disc 4 and 5) for full pleasure regardless your tv system. Disc 3 - Codeman (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- Codeman (AUTORUN.BAS) (game) by Rockford It's a Turbo Basic MindMaster type game. Disc 4 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------- Happy New Year (picture) by Mario130XE MD201601 (intro) by T.M.R. Darklight (sound) by xxl Mr. Bean (picture) by snicklin Happy New Year Baby (animation) by miker Made with ATARI 800 (NTSC) (intro) by philsan Disc 5 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------- Rocky Horror Show (NTSC) (intro) by philsan R.I.P. Lemmy (picture) by Stephen Happy New Year (picture) by snicklin Y2016.TIP (picture) by miker Note: For viewing TIP on ATARI simply use tipview from eru. It's included in the TipTools. You can find them here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, 10 times NYD and every time some new people and some 'residents' doing stuff for our ATARI. It's a pleasure to have that amount of creativity no matter if one is a coder, a painter, a songwriter, a profi, a beginner or what ever. Every entry brings a big smile into my face no matter on what level it is. The fun being creative is/was my main intention when I first asked for some snippets of your work and always, when I ask you again :) We have seen a lot of cool things over the passed years. Hope to get even more in the future. Now have fun with this year's edition! Happy New Year 2016! PPs
New Years Disc 2015 =================== Another year, another NYD :) Following people have done something to make you a happy start into 2015: Disc 1 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- Xmastree 2015 (1 screener) by PPs MasterIt 2015 (little game) by PPs Quarrion preview (game preview) by matosimi Intro 2015 (intro) by Desire Happy New Year 2015 (animation) by miker New Year 2k15 intro (intro) by blowjobb NYDS (intro) by Sikor Happy New Year 2015 (intro) by miker & Sunday Comic Squares (PAL only!) (intro) by MaPa & PG Note: QUICK source code of MasterIt 2015 is on the disc, too. Disc 2 - multidisc (Double Density) ----------------------------------- Fireworx (320 kB minimum!) (animation) by miker Fireworks 2015 (intro) by PPs Disc 3 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- Inc Year (intro) by TMR & blex Laglance (final version) (picture) by ming D.I.T.C.H. (game) by Morons Rej (picture) by ming New Year (picture) by Irgendwer Strictly Gone Bananas (game) by Paul & Harvey & miker 35 year old one (picture) by PPs Notice: Due to illness of Creature XL/Morons D.I.T.C.H. is buggy and in no way finished. Hope he gets well soon. Disc 4 - Dimos Quest NYD 2015 edition -------------------------------------- Dimos Quest NYD 2015 edition (game) by 8bjunkie There are some special levels for us to play this New Year :) Yeah cool. Creators of the levels are: Level 01 by Bunsen Level 02 by 8bitjunkie Level 03 by Milan Level 04 by 8bitjunkie Level 05 by 8bitjunkie Level 06 by T0bey Level 07 by 8bitjunkie Level 08 by 8bitjunkie Level 09 by 8bitjunkie Level 10 by yellowman Level 11 by 8bitjunkie Level 12 by yellowman Level 13 by 8bitjunkie Level 14 by 8bitjunkie Level 15 by wizard Level 16 by yellowman Level 17 by 8bitjunkie So now time to release the thing it's 2 past 2 pm (CET) here now and I'm late... Thanks for all the entries. Happy New Year 2015! PPs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- some statements of the other people involved in NYD: Paul Lay: I didn't include any instructions as I ran out of time! Really it was more of an experiment with the GTIA square pixel mode, the game itself is quite basic - you have to move the joystick in the direction indicated by the arrows when they scroll into the outlined area at the bottom of the screen (and a circle means press the trigger). The best approach is just to touch the joystick in the required direction and immediately release it. Happy New Year! matosimi: hi, this is first time i contribute to nyd. it is small game i was working on during november, but it might get nice polish by PG and turn into serious production as all are used to get from me. blowjobb (the original info file): New Year 2k15 intro by _ _ _ _ _ | |_| |___ _ _ _ |_|___| |_| |_ | . | | . | | | | | | . | . | . | |___|_|___|_____|_| |___|___|___| |___| code by: dely audio by: liSu greetings sorted by: miker Happy New Year! -------------------------------------------------------------------NYD 2015----jan-01-2015
New Years Disc 2014 =================== Happy New 2014 to everybody! Another year has passed on the fly. So it's time for another edition of the NYD. As always I was curious, what and if will get into my mail. Also I did something for myselves. Sad enough I got ill this time during the days, I traditionaly do the coding stuff. But at least one little thing is ready for presentation. This time my son got into his first 'coding session' and as a proud dad I can show you his little code :) Now let's have a look what's on the discs and who wants to send you some little New Years cheers! NYD2014 Disc 1 - multidisc -------------------------- Happy 2014 by PPs Twisthorizontal by DESIRE Countdown (animation, 128kB+) by miker Happy New Year (animation) by miker Merry X-mas by my son Tim Hey Mummy by ming How deep is your love by Paul Lay NYD2014 Disc 2 - multidisc -------------------------- Lunar Blitz by Cosine Samba Gone Bad (parental) by Sikor & miker Xenon Song #3 by tzeb Bob the Snake by MaPa & PG Last Glance by ming Happy New 2014 Year by Sikor & miker X:8 New Years Intro by Xuel & José Pereira & STE'86 & TMR NYD2014 Disc 3 - Caveblaster ---------------------------- Caveblaster by Rockford Now have fun watching and playing! HAPPY NEW 2014! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------(pps, 01.01.2014)
Hello everybody!
Another year has gone. So let's start the new one with some fodder for the ATARI!
Seems that this time we got the most entries of all the NYD ever :)
There are 7 discs and they're full of goodies for you.
I choosed to let the entry by Blowjobb on a single disc, as it looks better with
the real dos there. The gamedos used on the multi discs clears screen before starting
to load and it reloads when a programm ends - normally right, but this time wrong.
Start the disc and you'll see why :)
Notice there is a documentation by Synthpopalooza telling you all about the ipc files
in the package too.
The following things are at the discs:
NYD2013 Disc 1 - multidisc.atr
Hello 2k13 by PPs
Frosty animation (Beware it's mature ware!)* by CharlieChaplin
Fireworks by CreatureXL, 505 and Flash
Xmas 2012 animation* by CharlieChaplin
Chicks on Chips* by JAC!
Doomsday demo by Inspiration Soft
Happy 2013 by Sikor, Miker & his wife
* best watched on real PAL machine
NYD2013 Disc 2 - Blowjobb part.atr
A bootable disc with a DOS. When it's ready loaded type in: N* and press RETURN.
NYD2013 Disc 3 - 320k animation.atr
A nice animation from miker. You'll need at least 320k on your machine!
NYD2013 Disc 4 - multidisc.atr
Happy New Year animation (Needs at lease 128k!) by miker
Sprite multiplexer by playsoft
NYD2013 Disc 5 - ipc viewer.atr
After booting you'll get into a viewer, where you can load ipc pictures. More about
the whole thing can be read in the designated readme file. Synthpopalooza did a great
job here. Simply press D and you'll see, what pictures are on this disc to load them.
NYD2013 Disc 6 - ipc pictures.atr
Another disc with ipc files on it. Load them with the viewer of disc 5.
NYD2013 Disc 7 - multidisc.atr
Rough Rider by XXL & Irrlichtproject
Dice 2013 by Sikor & Miker
Rolling Stars by MaPa & PG
Hope you have fun watching all this! Happy new year 2013!
_________________________________________________________________________01.01.2013 PPs
Die New Years Disc 2012.
Erneut haben viele Leute mitgemacht und es ist wieder eine großartige Sammlung an Neujahrsgrüßen daraus geworden.
New Years Disc 2012 ------------------- Welcome to the 6th edition of the NYD. Again some people did their best to help you to have a well start into the new year. This time the following things will show up: disc one: Fireworks (animation) by Miker Hopp 2012 (game) by PP's New Year Monkey (animation) by Miker New Year's Bunny (intro) by Sikor & Miker Merry Xmas 1 (animation) by Charlie Chaplin 2012 Intro (PAL recommended) by Heaven disc two: Merry Xmas 2 (animation) by Charlie Chaplin New Year 2K12 (intro) by Sikor, Innuendo & Miker Scrolling Street (intro) by PP's Endtro (intro) by Blowjobb new year intro 2012 (intro) by Agenda disc three: Moon Cresta (gamepreview for VBXE) by Rybags Happy Bars (intro) by MaPa & PG Wish you a Happy New Year 2012! Ralf (PP's) _______________________________________01.01.2012
New Years Disc 2011
WOW! This is just the 5th edition. Never thought at the beginning, that that could become real.
Even This edition is full of funny stuff for our little machine for a right start into the new year.
Ok don't want to bore you with long texts here.
Find these things on the 2 discs:
Disc one:
Kleeblatt and Schneemann done by me
Jacfield and Badekapp Miel 3 by JAC!
Atallax by MaPa & PG
Intro 2011 by Heaven
Happy New Year by Sikor
Disc two:
Spectipede by Rybags
Happy 2011 by Inspiration Soft
Spectipede notes code by me, text by Rybags
We all wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
New Years Disc 2010
Here we go! This is the 4th edition of the New Years Disc. I´m happy,
that this project is still as popular as in it´s beginning. This time
we have 12 entries from all over the world.
Have fun watching our little presentations!
The following people want to wish you:
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010! May your ATARI always be with you ;)
Thelen & Marius
MaPa & PG
Andreas Koch
and me, PP´s
Attention NTSC users - 1 entry is PAL only.
Contents of archive:
NYD2010.atr first "disc"
NYD2010_part.atr second "disc"
130XE_Slide_show.atr third "disc" (16 MB image!)
about.nfo this information text
Hello folks!
Like the last two years I had the idea to collect some programmes around Christmas for a release
right, when the new year just begins. This time some people asked if we could start a bit earlier,
so I decided to start not as usual on dec. 25th, but on dec. 1st. Everyone who was interestet
could do something for our beloved machine until dec. 31st and send it to my email account or via
pm to the atariage account.
What we got this year, I had never been dreamed of. Thanks for al the contributors! I´m glad that
so many people have fun to do something for my brains child ;)
These people show up:
Dely & Miker
Rybags & Kjmann
Mapa & Pseudographics
Cybernoid, Wrathchild
emkay und PP´s
PP´s (2009-01-01)
Ok, here we go!
This time these people will give you some wishes for The new year:
Sikor, Dely & Miker (Poland)
Rybags (Australia)
Pseudografx, Fandal, Raster & Krupkaj (Czech Republic)
and off course me (Germany)
Have fun, as we had creating this little stuff!
Thanks again for all contributors.
HAPPY new YEAR !!!