NYD 2017
NYD 2017
NYD 2017
364.33 kB
01. Januar 2017
288 x
New Years Disc 2017 =================== Happy New Year!!! We (full crowd is listed below) are proud to present you some stuff to enjoy watching, listening and playing just when the new year is new born. Disc 1 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- NYD 2017 (intro) by PPs Prosit 2017 (picture) by Mario130XE Neon 2017 (animation) by Miker Goodbye 2016 (picture) by Snicklin Carrie Fisher (NTSC & PAL) (intro) by Philsan & Jimpack Snowman SID (music) by Wrathchild Happy New Year 2017 (intro) by Tigerduck 10 Liner Invitation (invitro) by Sascha Kriegel Note: NYD 2017 has no NTSC testing, so sound runs to fast and colors are not set correct. Small Effect doesn't care about NTSC too. So both of my new years gifts better run on PAL. Hope to release them later with NTSC support. Disc 2 - multidisc (Single Density) ----------------------------------- ATARISID 6 (sounddisc) by Ivo van Poorten A disc full of SID sounds. Disc 3 - multidisc (Enhanced/Medium Density) -------------------------------------------- MD201701 (intro) by Cosine CX2626 Miniatur Golf (game) by Playsoft Camelight 2017 (intro) by Desire Happy 2017 (intro) by Miker & friends Disco Zax (music) by Miker & XXL Small Effect (1 screener) by PPs Get Lucky (intro) by Playsoft Hotpunk (picture) by Mario130XE Happy New Year! (intro) by PopMilo Multi Twisters (intro) by TeBe & Rocky Notes for CX2626 from Playsoft: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Instructions for the original VCS version can be found here: https://atariage.com/manual_html_page.php?SoftwareLabelID=305 The VCS controls are mapped to the following A8 keys: start = game reset switch (begin game) select = game select switch (select one or two player game) option = tv type switch (colour or black and white) 1 = left difficulty switch 2 = right difficulty switch Additionally the + and - keys can be used to adjust the vertical display position. Disc 4 - Dozerattack (Enhanced/Medium Density) ---------------------------------------------- Dozer (game) by Rockford Dozer is a game written in TurboBasic from some old sources. Have fun shooting the enemies. Disc 5 - Blowjobb part (Double Density) --------------------------------------- NYD2K17 (intro) by Blowjobb Note: Disc boots into DOS. Type N*.* and hit Shift-Return to run the intro. Disc 6 - Soco Maniac (Ehanced/Medium Density) --------------------------------------------- Soco Maniac (1996) (game) by Matosimi Note: Matosimi started this game when he was 12 and finally released it to the public with this NYD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Happy New Year 2017! PPs
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