
MyJewels' (NYD24 version)
- game for all A8 with at least 48kB of RAM
- NTSC, PAL, 60 Hz, 50Hz, single or dual POKEY friendly
- code + gfx: PPs
- intro and title songs converted 2 A8 by Buddy
- expanded version of my 16kB game from sv23we
- highscore save possible with DOS

This "match 3" style game is not just a new version with some bugfixes of the
MyJewels I presented at "Sillyventure 2023 winter edition", it's more a new
game - so MyJewels' is maybe a MyJewels 2. All the things I added can't fit
into the 16kB of RAM, so we need now 48 kB. Sorry to all who have unmodified
ATARI 400 or ATARI 600 XL.

So what is new?

- better handling of matching jewels
- full version of intro song and a new in game menu song
- up to 12 different jewels
- different game modes
- highscore save on disk

Buddy did great work converting the 2 songs I use in the intro screen and in
the game menu. Thanks for your work! I am sure people recognize what they are.

You can change game mode using the joystick (right - left). 4 different modes
are available:

- time hunt
- MyJewels
- MyJewels'
- eliminate

MyJewels mode is just the same as in the 16kB game, but has the corrected
"match 3" detection and we have a new "hint mode" in all 4 game modes - if you
can't find any match for about 10 seconds, a yellow sign shows a region where
something is possible. You will always have just the 7 different jewels.

MyJewels' mode is almost the same, but you will get more different jewels
based on your points: 10000, 25000, 50000, 100000 and 250000 points each give
you one more new jewel to erase from screen. I fear no one ever gets the 12th
jewel :)

"time hunt" mode adds in a race against the clock. Here you can choose between
some different amount of time at start (move joystick down and then left or
right to switch time). All the tiles from MyJewels' mode can appear at same
points level. You can earn extra time, every time you eliminate more than
3 jewels at once. 4 in a row and 5 in a row of same jewel give another extra
time - so use them to enhance your time up to a maximum of 999 seconds. You
will loss 5 seconds if you switched wrong jewels - at border of game area you
can press the stick to border side to save that, but all other jewels you
have to switch and get the malus, when you marked one by pressing fire.

"elininate" mode maybe is the most challenging one. You have to race against
time '(fixed start of 90 seconds here) and will have to eliminate a special
jewel as often as shown. Everytimne it will be one more needed to reach the
goal. If you are fast enopugh to eliminate enough jewels of shown jewel,
you gain 30 seconds of bonus time. The amount of jewels is fixed to 8
different ones and you can get time bonus / malus same as in "time hunt".

The game should run from any "game dos", but if you want to be able to save
your highscores on disk, the game should run from a real DOS (I tested on
DOS 2.5 and uDOS). The original "SCORES" file should be copied on the same
disk, too. Game is not able to create a new one - so remember this, when you
copy the game to own disks. Ah, and don't try to manipulate the scores file.

As many games are adapted to FujiNet "high score enabled" feature, maybe in
some time, I will add this feature, too. But no promise!

Hope you will have fun with this game I wrote from 15. Nov. 2023 till end of
December 2023 - wow just a bit more than a month and not full time - crazy,
someone should bite me - I must sleeping now ;)
_______________________________________________________________PPs, 01.01.2024
35.02 kB
NYD 2024
01. Januar 2024
21 x
MyJewels (sv23we version)
- game for all A8 with at least 16kB of RAM
- code + gfx: PPs
- intro sound converted 2 A8 by Buddy
- first piece of code on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023
________________________________________PPs, 29.11.2023
MyJewels (sv23we_r)
- corrected highscore color
________________________________________PPs, 09.12.2023
42.23 kB
sillyventure 23 winter edition
26. Dezember 2023
4 x
mytris by PPs
- v1.01
- game for alle ATARI 8 bit computers with at least 48 kB of RAM and GTIA
- stereo POKEY supported
- music by Buddy
- sfx by PG
- music replay based on the work of Raster, VinsCool, rensoupp and DMSC
- gfx created using graph2font by Tebe
- assembled with WUDSN IDE by JAC! and MADS by Tebe
- tested a lot using great ALTIRRA emulator by phaeron and on my own 600 XL
  (with U1MB & simple stereo 1st edition)
- joy2B+ is possible

You all know the game :)

Joy1: To speed drop a tile, press the fire button. Moving stick left and
      right moves the tile in same direction. Pressing stick up or down
      rotates the tile - up results in rotating right, down rotates to the

Joy2: Speed drop and turn right input is changed to each other from Joy1.

Joy2B+: This option appears when you connect such device to joystick port0.
        Button 1 and 2 are used to turn the tile, while left and right on
        stick moves the tile around and pulling stick down will start the
        speed drop.

If you choosed to play with keyboard, you can use the arrow keys (without any
other key, so in fact you use +, *, - and =) and z (for speed drop).

Every 10 lines cleared, the level is raised up (till level 7 - marked with the
red X) and tiles fall faster. Raising up a level gives more extra points.
Points start at one point for simple drop and 14+lines*14 points for cleared
lines. Both is doubled, when tile was speed dropped. A tetris gives some extra
bonus points.
Till you get to level 7 the next tile will fly in in last choosen direction,
then direction is randomized, too.

Additional tiles shapes appear the more the level raises:
- first one @level 3
- one more @level 4
- two more @level 5
- level 6 gives last additional 2 tiles

Some infos about different game modes:

mytris mode is different from what you know about playing tetris. not only the
tiles fall in from random locations, but you can only make one change every
step down. Turning and moving counts here, so you may have to change the
whole way, you ever played tetris. During speed drop it is possible to move
and turn.

tetris alike mode is almost like you know from tetris. Moving and turning is
possible all the time. But both will stop, if you speed drop the tile.

I hope there are no big errors inside this build, so this is marked as v1.00
and it might be final version. I plan to release the sources, but this will
last some time as code has to be cleaned up first, so that others can
understand, what I did. Some other projects are waiting, so be patient, I
make noise, when it is online. Was fun to create and play this and esp. the
title song is outstanding - thanks again Buddy.

Hope you like to play mytris! See you again soon :)

changes since v1.00:
- as no errors where reported this release just corrects the wrong sfx credits

changes since beta4:
- corrected joy2B+ and included autodetection of it
- other -small things- in code changed

changes since beta3:
- changed bonus points system - so you gain a real bonus esp. for a tetris
- pause game by pressing shift key
- added 2nd joystick configuration - > fire button for turning tile and stick
  down for speed drop. Joy up is still listened to for other turning
- added joy2B+ 2nd button for turning left. Should work in both joy modes.
  I can't test this as I don't own such device and ALTIRRA config by ascrnet
  doesn't work for me.
- some code rework for final source code release

changes since beta2:
- added keyboard option for playing (left, right, up, down and z are used
  without any other key needed, so +, *, -, =, and z in fact)
- added 6 new tiles (first appears @level 3)
- added sfx and statistics for getting a tetris (remove 4 lines at once)
- changed scores bonus from level 3 upwards
- corrected level 7 graphics bug
- corrected sfx issues (rush esp. with stereo and just sfx playing)
- some other small things changed or adjusted

changes since first beta:
- final music by Buddy added
- added game mode
- corrected level up - was calculated wrong
- display of points and lines in game changed
- higher playground
- menu screen rewritten
- a lot behind the scenes :)
____________________________________________________________PPs_Feb. 4th, 2023
19.56 kB
17. Juni 2023
14 x
Another Pong*
Another Pong
- arcade game for ATARI 8-Bit Computer with at least 64kB RAM
- play Pong with joystick and up to 2 players

- NTSC & PAL friendly - but atm some not so usual machines (PAL-60
  or NTSC-50) will have errors in sound - there will be an updated
  version in future :)

- coded 15.09.-29.10.2018 for the ABBUC e.V.
- first release as annual gift for the ABBUC e.V. members in spring
  2019 with ABBUC Magazin #136

- music done by eMKay
- code and graphics by PPs
- package design of the ABBUC e.V. release by des-OR-mad
- thanks ABBUC e.V. (esp. Wolfgang Burger for copying all the discs)
  for initial release

Have fun and stay ATARI!______________________________PPs_16.01.2020

Another Pong*
- updated version with minor bug fixes and long awaited paddle mode
- many thanks @dmsc for public release of zx01 code, thus made
  another background picture possible

To play with paddle, you must press paddle trigger instead of START
key to start the game. As paddle mode is fast, no additionally
speedup is build in.
This finally was a one day update, after I had some tries during
past years without result.

Another Pong* v2
- some small errors removed
- by demand German version for actual release created

Tried to add another picture, but somehow it did not work.
361.29 kB
17. Juni 2023
15 x
go lucky v1.12

go lucky - v1.12
a board game for ATARI 8Bit computers

- code + idea: PPs
- music + sfx: miker
- started to code: 30th March 2020
- last code changes: 17th January 2022
- last new level: 34, 17th January 2022
- 64kB RAM, XL or XE plus disc drive and joystick needed
- tested on NTSC (many thanks _The Doctor__ @atariage) and PAL
- game for 1 to 4 players – humans and CPU controlled players are possible

- rated 7th of 13 by the people who voted for the contest
- included here: game, manual and manual to create own levels

- additions since ABBUC e.V. SWC 2020 edition: more levels, get some cash when
  colleted all tiles and then win 'get all tiles' at fortune wheel, some better
  input options at game menu and some small errors removed

- new in v1.11: 60 Hz machines now have pm switched on by default, too as I
  managed to optimize the display code a bit, some small errors are corrected
  code optimized for later additions

- new in v.12: display routine complete rewritten - you will notice a
  difference ;), corrected evaluation of bankrupt, a new level is added to
  celebrate this new milestone

In this board game your aim is to get rich as soon as possible. To reach this
aim you should raise your money by buying plots and getting rent each time
another player lands on your owned plots. Once you land on your own plot, you
can invest money to raise the rent of it.

1.63 MB
17. Januar 2022
60 x
go lucky

go lucky - ABBUC e.V. SWC 2020 edition

a board game for ATARI 8Bit computers

• code + idea: PPs
• music + sfx: miker
• started to code: 30th March 2020
• last code changes: 01st August 2020
• last new level: 25 am 16th August 2020
• 64kB RAM, XL or XE plus disc drive and joystick needed
• tested on NTSC (many thanks _The Doctor__ @atariage) and PAL
• game for 1 to 4 players – humans and CPU controlled players are possible

• rated 7th of 13 by the people who voted for the contest
• included here: game, manual and manual to create own levels

In this board game your aim is to get rich as soon as possible. To reach this aim you should raise your money by buying plots and getting rent each time another player lands on your owned plots. Once you land on your own plot, you can invest money to raise the rent of it.

5.23 MB
14. November 2020
134 x
Another Pong

Another Pong
- arcade game for ATARI 8-Bit Computer with at least 64kB RAM
- play Pong with joystick and up to 2 players

- NTSC & PAL friendly - but atm some not so usual machines (PAL-60
  or NTSC-50) will have errors in sound - there will be an updated
  version in future :)

- coded 15.09.-29.10.2018 for the ABBUC e.V.
- first release as annual gift for the ABBUC e.V. members in spring
  2019 with ABBUC Magazin #136

- music done by eMKay
- code and graphics by PPs
- package design of the ABBUC e.V. release by des-OR-mad
- thanks ABBUC e.V. (esp. Wolfgang Burger for copying all the discs)
  for initial release

Have fun and stay ATARI!________________________________________PPs_16.01.2020
336.56 kB
16. Januar 2020
270 x
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