all projects of STARSOFT Berlin
enjoy the colors by Buddy and PPs ================================= - intro for sillyventure 24 summer edition - runs on ATARI Jaguar - music Buddy - code PPs Another very small intro to say hello to everyone. I have no more time atm to do more :( _______________________________________stay ATARI!
enjoy the colors by Buddy and PPs ================================= - intro for sillyventure 24 summer edition - runs on all A8 with at least 48kB RAM - supports STEREO POKEY - music Buddy - code+gfx PPs Just a very small intro to say hello to everyone. I have no more time atm to do more :( ______________________________________stay ATARI!
Further Excerpts from my Secret Garden -------------------------------------- - intro for ATARI 8-bit Computers with at least 48 kB of RAM and GTIA chip - suports dual POKEY addon if installed Many thanks to all the people supporting our plattform. Especially the many modern tools that make coding so easy nowadays. Hope you will continue your work. This intro would not be possible without RMT, WUDSN, MADS, G2F, RMT2LZSS. Peace to you all!!! -------------------------------------------------------------PPs_20.04.2022
some plasma ----------- Another little intro, I coded this year. This time I walked to new spheres of coding, at least for me. Never made plasmas before. Hope you like them. Music has been brought to POKEY by mk. He used RMT and the newly created RMT2LZSS tool by rensoup. So I had to test how to play back these LZSS packed data on ATARI. Initially I thought, I just have to change the LZSS player code by dmsc to work with my code, but that was wrong. There have been some strange errors, so that the sound didn't play correct. And I had listened so many times to the song on ATARI at beta test, that I could not recognize this - mk maybe had been crazy about this. Endless versions I created with little changes - nothing worked correct. I got frustrated and the intro was on the way to the trash can... But then, we got the info that rensoup - the creator of RMT2LZSS tool changed the LZSS player a bit to work with his tool. When he released his source to the public I could correct the issues and finally whe are here :) PM has been painted with Gury's Mad Studio and source code typed in and assembled using Jac!'s WUDSN IDE and TeBe's Mad Assembler. Thanks for all these cool tools. Have some fun watching and listening to our little intro! -----------PPs+mk--------------May 2021------------stay ATARI!------------ PS: Choose version that matches your ANTIC chip.
mode11_______ATARI_XL/XE_PAL_64k+up STEREO POKEY allowed :) This production is PAL (50 Hz) only. Have fun watching! PPs 15404B_________emkay__PPs_(Aug.2018)
hot summer ---------- Short intro made mostly on a very hot day here in Germany - 3th of August in 2018. Don't expect to much - some scrolltext to read plus two pics. Sound is hardly recommended to listen at on real machine, cause emulation of pokey doesn't work well here. Even the song could need more polish, too. Have fun watching! _____________________________________________________PPs_summer_2018
Ein kleiner Screener, um etwas Werbung für die neue NYD zu machen.
Im November 2010 entstand diese Einladung zur Teilnahme an der New Years Disc 2011.
Leider läuft sie nur auf dem Emulator richtig :( Seither teste ich nun alles erst "zehn mal" auch auf der echten Hardware, bevor ich etwas veröffentliche.
Einen Tag nach den gfx0scrolls habe ich gleich noch eins draufgelegt.
Meine erste "politische" Demo. Im Rahmen der Aktion proAF ging es damals darum alles Mögliche anzustrengen, um unser Fußballstadion nicht zu verlieren.
Dieses Intro war mein bescheidener Beitrag dazu.
Im März 2008 eine neue Assembler Demo von mir.
Hier zu sehen ist mein erster echter Proportionalfont Scroller. Unten gibt es abwechselnd ein paar kleine Spielereien.
Allesamt sind sie in GRAPHICS 0 gehalten -> daher dann halt auch der Name von´s Janze ;)