NYD 2018
NYD 2018
NYD 2018
801.57 kB
01. Januar 2018
552 x
NEW YEARS DISC 2018 =================== Hello to everyone who is reading here. The new year arrived, so it's time for the next NYD. When I first called for entries for a new years disc at Christmas eve back in 2006, I wanted to inspire the ATARI scene to sit down and do something with the ATARI 'inbetween the years', to have fun for their own when creating and for all of us, when watching the release. I had so much fun, that my 'cry for something' was heared and the NYD was born. Since then we've seen 11 NYD and this is the 12th edition. Some times it happened that the crowd asked, if theere will be another nyd, before I opened another 'calling thread'. For me this is absolute fantastic, as this is what I intended to reach - people love to end the old year creating something and even love tho see what's beeing created. You all - 'creators' and 'watchers' - have fun with the ATARI - my mission is completed :) NO PANIC! I'm not done with it... Just want to say THANKS to you all! Now we'd better come to the discs content... NYD2018 Disc 01 - multidisc --------------------------- NYD 2018 Info by PPs - some texts by the authors of all the projects - plus a picture quickly created using graph2font - you can scroll with joystick or SELECT and OPTION - quickly created to have some infos native on ATARI - source will come later Amitari by mk - one screener NYD 2018 by Mario130XE - picture The magnify demo by Senor Rossie - 'demo took me only 23 years to finish...' Kendallsoft Kaverns by therealbountybob - new levels for Boulderdash - "Kendallsoft Kaverns" - It goes with the Pro© magazine article: "Boulderdash - Turn your screens into a game" . They are probably fairly challenging levels! 2018 by PPs - one screener - created using graph2font, mads, Superpacker, RMT, ATARI Fontmaker and some Win tools - music by mk ----------------------------------------------------------1038/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 02 - multidisc --------------------------- Ring the Bells by CharlieChaplin - animation (128k) 2018 fireworx by miker - animation (128k) ----------------------------------------------------------0989/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 03 - HDM2 ---------------------- >>> His Dark Majesty: Quest II by therealbountybob Twas thought His Dark Majesty was finally defeated in the Castle of Awe but it seems there was some deception, perhaps some mystical force was at work, for he has once again started to conquer lands and wreak havoc upon men. Rumour has it his subjects have built a new stronghold somewhere in the high cliffs. Hearing this, the King has began to get word out and amass an army of strongmen from the local towns - he set off some weeks ago but there has been no word. You, his loyal subject answer the call and with a hunting party from your village set off to join him... > Shamus+ - New Mazes for Shamus V 1.0 slx, 2017 Shamus+ is a patch of Shamus allowing to play the extra mazes from the C64 version. It includes a "Tournament" mode playing all mazes in succession and a pause function. A rare bug affecting advanced players only is rectified. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructions: Use [OPTION] to select the starting Maze. "Tournament" will play through all mazes in sequence (except the "Original C64" which is almost identical to the original Atari maze). When you die in tournament mode the next game will start at the beginning of the maze you died in. The maze selection will still read "Tournament". In order to start a tournament from scratch, use [OPTION] to rotate through all the mazes until you are in "Tournament" again. Use [SPACE] to pause and the fire button to end the pause. A documentation about the genesis of this patch is available at http://atariage.com/forums/topic/271026-shamus-new-mazes-for-shamus- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shamus was originally written by William Mataga and published by Synapse Software in 1982. Copyright is assumed to be with Cathryn Mataga at the time of this patch. The C64 levels are believed to have been developed by Jack L. Thornton who is named on the C64 version title page. I have been unable to contact either of them and hope that they approve of this patch. Copyright of the patch and conversion software is with the author Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. Should any of this interfere with any copyright of the original author(s), their copyright shall have precedence. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Happy New Year 2018 by Wrathchild - Programming & Graphics : Wrathchild - Additional Graphics : PseudoGrafx - Music : "Snow Blind" - Miker (based on original mod by Dr. Awesome) - Inspired by : SSX3 loading screen (with a nod to the Coolboarders 3 intro) Freestyle by mk - one screener ----------------------------------------------------------1031/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 08 - Tornado Pinball --------------------------------- Tornado Pinball by Rockford - created with Pinball Construction Set - when booted to DOS type 'L' for load and enter 'TORNADO' as filename ----------------------------------------------------------0616/0720 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 09 - multidisc --------------------------- Happy New Year Girl by Animkomials - animation (320k) DYCP 2018 by Cosine - DYCP 2018 is a small demo with a couple of DYCPs to show off a triple speed cover of the Uridium 2 loading music. - code by T.M.R/Cosine - music by aNdy/Cosine ----------------------------------------------------------0967/1040 sectors used NYD2018 Disc 10 - multidisc --------------------------- Animated XMAS card by CharlieChaplin - animation (128k) Historic Trucks by PPs - picture show - pictures taken at IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 2014 by me and rendered to the A8 using rastaconverter - other ATARI related tools used: WUDSN, Superpacker, MADS - music by mk ----------------------------------------------------------1023/1040 sectors used As you can see, there's a lot to discover for us this year. I'm sure you'll love some of the things. Thanks again to all the people who made NYD a success! NYD 2018 total count-------------------------------------7236/8000 sectores used --------------------------------90.45% used disc space-------------------------- ----10 discs-----26 entries---------------------------------endless fun creating --------------------------unknown amount bugs to find and keep------------------ Happy New Year 2018! ... and STAY ATARI! ... -----------------------------------------------------------------01.01.2018 PPs PS: I really hope that I didn't forget something.
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