NYD 2010

NYD 2010
NYD 2010
438.64 kB
03. Juli 2011
129 x

New Years Disc 2010

Here we go! This is the 4th edition of the New Years Disc. I´m happy,
that this project is still as popular as in it´s beginning. This time
we have 12 entries from all over the world.

Have fun watching our little presentations!

The following people want to wish you:

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010! May your ATARI always be with you ;)

Thelen & Marius
MaPa & PG
Andreas Koch

and me, PP´s

Attention NTSC users - 1 entry is PAL only.

Contents of archive:

NYD2010.atr            first "disc"
NYD2010_part.atr       second "disc"
130XE_Slide_show.atr   third "disc" (16 MB image!)
about.nfo              this information text

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